The EFA 2017 also hosts a Doctoral Tutorial, a one-day event for PhD students. If you wish to submit to the Doctoral Tutorial, please also visit our Doctoral Tutorial page.
Please note that you cannot submit to both the Doctoral Tutorial and the main conference. Papers submitted to the main conference will not be considered for the Doctoral Tutorial and vice versa.
Page contents: Submission of papers; Best EFA Doctoral Tutorial Paper Prize; Program previous Doctoral Tutorial; Submission guidelines
Submission of Papers
We encourage doctoral students to submit papers or proposals to the Doctoral Tutorial. Submission deadline is February 1st, 2017 at 1:00 PM (13:00hrs) CET (Central European Time).
Students are welcome to add one or two additional page(s) raising the conceptual and methodological problems they face at the current stage of their dissertation, which they would like to discuss during the tutorial. All topics and methodological approaches within the broad field of finance are welcome.
Preference will be given to work that is substantially advanced but not fully completed. We consider only single-authored work by current PhD students who have not yet been in the job market, and who are planning to join the job market in 2017/2018 or later.
Students submitting to the Doctoral Tutorial must be EFA members for the current year 2017. Information about membership is available here.
Please check our guidelines for a full overview of the required documents.
The submission to the Doctoral Tutorial is closed. |
Best EFA Doctoral Tutorial Paper Prize
The best paper presented at the 2017 EFA Doctoral Tutorial will be recognized with the Best Doctoral Tutorial Paper Prize sponsored by the Nasdaq Educational Foundation. In addition, one of the presenters may be invited to present his/her work at the Chicago Quantitative Alliance (CQA) Fall Conference 2017 to be held in Chicago September 13-14, 2017.
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Program Previous Doctoral Tutorial
Please have a look at the final program of last year's Doctoral Tutorial in Oslo for more information on the Doctoral Tutorial program structure and execution.
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Submission Guidelines
To submit a contribution, authors must follow the following steps. If you have questions regarding the conference, please visit our FAQ page.
ConfTool is the conference management system for submitting a paper and registering for conference ( After registering as system user, students should follow the steps below.
Step One: Track choice
Select the "Doctoral Tutorial" track on ConfTool. In the subsequent submission form, you can choose the appropriate topics for your contribution.
Step Two: Contribution information
Fill in information about the authors and the contribution:
- Author(s) and email(s)
- Organization(s)
- Title of contribution
- Abstract
- Choose topic(s) from a given list on ConfTool (list available here)
- Keywords
- Email used to subscribe to EFA membership (optional). By entering the email linked to your EFA membership, you will help us track your membership status. This is an optional field.
Step Three: Upload files
The contribution can be uploaded on ConfTool. Please note that authors can upload new versions until the final deadline.
Submitting authors will be asked to upload three documents in pdf format:
- Anonymous paper: The first page should include the title and the abstract, but no references to the authors.
- Student CV
- Letter from Advisor on official institution letterhead. As a PhD student you must obtain a signed & dated letter (PDF document) from your advisor confirming your current PhD status & topic of your thesis.
Please note that the maximum file size is 10 megabytes.
EFA Membership
Each student submitting a paper to the Doctoral Tutorial must be an EFA member for the current year 2017 by the submission deadline (February 1st, 2017). Information on how to become a member can be found here.