As Germany is part of the European Union, EU nationals do not require a visa to enter the Federal Republic of Germany. Generally, all other foreigners require a visa for stays in Germany. A visa is not required for visits of up to 90 days in an 180‑day period for nationals of those countries for which the European Community has abolished the visa requirement. You will find an overview on visa requirements here.
Please make sure you have enough time to apply for your visa. Processing time might take up several weeks.
Invitation Letter
Invitation and confirmation letters for visas can be issued upon request only if the participant has paid the registration fee. Registration to the conference opens in mid-April. To obtain an invitation letter, please write to the conference organizers.
Please note that the address indicated in your profile at ConfTool will be used for the invitation letter. Please check your address information in ConfTool directly (click on Edit User Account Details) by clicking here.